Call (07) 570 09 09


How long will it take?

Its all dependant upon how dirty your carpets are. Where possible we like to visit you before commencing work so that we can assess properly and give you an honest opinion. We will take the opportunity to offer best advice and fully explain how we will conduct the work.

There are quite a few stains, can you definitely get them out?

The products we use are multi award winning, and leaders in their field. We don't have a magic wand, however you can rest assured that if we can't make them disappear then nobody can!

Do you use a Stainguard?

Yes. We can protect your carpets with a stainguard before we leave (both on carpets and furniture) to help prevent future stains.

What's the drying time?

When we say zero dry time - we actually mean zero dry time! You will have immediate use of carpets when we finish however we recommend leaving between 20 and 40 mins for upholstery.

What about moving furniture?

We will happily move all large furniture for you, all we ask is that you move ornaments etc yourselves. All furniture will be placed back immediately after cleaning.

You will never need to...

...keep children, pets or husbands out of the room after cleaning. You will also not need to leave windows open, fires on or central heating on maximum

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Zero Dry Time opens in New Zealand

Dry Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning in New Zealand

Pet friendly - Child safe - Non-toxic - Eco Friendly 

Discover the Zero Dry Time carpet and upholstery cleaning difference for yourself

Call - (07) 570 09 09